Manage Application State!
Leverage the power of Redux, Observables or NgRX which provide several advantages in simplifying your application state to plain objects, enforcing unidirectional data flow, and more.
Ngrx Store is an RxJS powered state management solution for Angular apps and is based on Redux (See below). Observable stores are a state management solution for Angular apps as well.
DigitizeThis may use either solutions to manage your application state. If it is determined that your project requires a state management tool, Redux can be implemented to manage application state.
Unlocking productivity
with predictable state containers
for JavaScript apps!

Composable Apps with React
Created at Facebook™ to address some of the challenges associated with large-scale, data-driven websites, React JS has rapidly become a popular library used to create user interfaces and a decent alternative to build composable Single Page Apps for customers. Though still new, it has reached a place where core functionality is fairly stable. DigitizeThis® uses React to rapidly develop great UI experiences for a range of screen sizes and types.
Complex apps can be buillt using only React, but Redux is offered to help write apps that behave consistently. Though, a state management tool widely used with React, it can also be used with any other JavaScript framework or library.

CMS or eCommerce Integration
DigitizeThis can refactor an existing CMS or eCommerce based site from a traditional fixed layout to a responsive web layout. Implementing a responsive design using Angular or React will be carried out by changing the base CMS theme. DigitizeThis will change the markup so as to allow for future updates.
Angular and React both use a transpiler in Babel or Traceur which compile ES6 code to ES5 so that legacy browsers can have a similar experience. This helps support Internet Explorer 8+, Google Chrome, Safari and Mozilla Firefox on Desktop and smaller viewports using Angular NativeScript or React Native.

Built to support new HTML5 elements & syntax with enhancements.

WordPress™ comes with built-in CSS3 support for Multi Column Layouts.

Style Guides.
You'll receive a copy documenting your websites' features.